Last night (2/19) my wife Dakota and I watched a movie called Paths of Glory. It’s a World War I movie about a group of soldiers trying to conquer a specific bunker, and fail to do so, then a court trial begins. It’s half war, half court case, all extremely interesting. It’s a lot less of a “war” movie than what it portrays itself to be, yet there is showcasings of trench warfare, and a few battlefield shots in the first half. This movie is extremely well done, and very interesting to watch. If you like old war movies, or even if you’re into court cases, this is a great movie. Dakota watched this for her first time and had this to say: “I thought the movie was great! I’m not really into war movies, but this isn’t really a war movie. I really love watching Judge Judy, so the second half of the story really got my attention. I wasn’t the biggest fan of the outcome, and it’s a huge tragedy what happens, but overall this is a great movie, and I’d recommend it.”
I give this one 4 out of 5 stars