Over the weekend (2/23) my wife Dakota and I watched the movie Spartacus (1960) coming off the tail of Ben-Hur from 1959. Kirk Douglas plays Spartacus in one of the most beautiful, awesome, emotional movies I’ve ever seen. Stanley Kubrick (2001: A Space Odyssey, The Shining, Full Metal Jacket) directed this movie, but had little creative input. It was a “for hire” gig for him, and was constructed by Universal Pictures and produced by Kirk Douglas. This movie is so great, and at 3 hours and 15 minutes, it FLYS by. The story is about Spartacus, a life spent in slavery, being trained to be a gladiator, rising up against the Roman Empire to set the slaves free. Never have I seen a movie that showcases the struggle of the working man, anarchy, and the hope that freedom can bring people, even in their lowest state. If you really put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything. And those last 5 minutes of the movie absolutely made both me and my wife shed tears. Beautifully done. Everyone should watch this movie at least once in their lifetime. Dakota has this to say about the movie: “I really loved the movie, it’s about overcoming all odds even when the whole world is against you. Absolutely beautiful and heartbreaking. I love that the message is that even in failure there’s unexpected wins.”
I couldn’t agree more
I give this movie 4 ½ out of 5 stars